Nonviolent Communication
The Non-Violent Communication Program (CNV) is designed to research and practice the approach outlined by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg. Composed of the regular activities described below.
Sign up for our Basic Online Non-Violent Communication Course!
1st module: Presentation and connection with the group.
2nd module: The Core of CNV.
3rd module: Communication that blocks the compassion and practice of observing without evaluating.
4th module: Identifying and expressing feelings.
5th module: Taking responsibility for feelings.
6th module: Asking for what will enrich our lives.
7th module: Compassionately Connecting with Ourselves.
Days and times:
7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Next classes:
Live and online on the Zoom platform.
August to December (class 3/2021).
In person, in Belo Horizonte.
Felicidade é um paradoxo...
Todo mundo quer ser feliz, mas nem todo mundo é feliz do mesmo jeito.
Do you truly listen?
The main attitude that favors empathy and strengthens human connection is listening. Not just listening with our ears, but with our whole being. Do we know how to listen to ourselves and others?
Participate in the Scout !
( Informative of course )